Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Roommate Factor

So, as I mentioned before I have a single studio apartment. Most other students when hearing this, or seeing it say, "wow, you are so lucky! How did you manage that?" And most of the time, I agree, I am lucky and I love my room and privacy. Its nice to be able to study in my underwear and have two closets to myself. (Now I just need Dr. Boyfriend to send me all those clothes and shoes I didn't have room for in my luggage so I can fill both closets!)

But there have a been a few times over the last week and a half that I've discovered I am missing out. Not having a roommate (or suitmate) means no one to quiz me on the divisions of brachial plexus or review histo slides with. No roommate means that I don't have a built in person to sit next to in lecture hall, or go to dinner with, or grocery shopping with, or to Bananas on Saturday night, etc., etc. Now I've made friends and I will have study groups and every night I walk to Mocha Jumby where at least other upper termers are also studying (I'm making progress on this front, yesterday two other first term students where there as well, but guess what? They were roommates.)  

I keep hearing stories about best friends who met each other first term, when they were put into the same living space. That makes sense... but it deosn't help me. And so I have yet to find my Vinny and that is okay but I wonder, how different it would be if I had decided to do the roommate thing? Most likely I'd live in one of the Superdorms down the hill instead of in my very quiet place up the hill. And roommate or not the dorms are another experience in and of themselves I am sure. I did that once in undergrad and I can't say I'm anxious to repeat it. And yet as I reflect I realize that several of my very good friends to this day where those that lived in my same dorm.  But please, don't feel too sorry for me, I do have ample space, quiet and a queen sized bed. So maybe I'll keep my single and look for Vinny somewhere else.  And for all of you who want to escape that roommate of yours, come on by, if you can make it up the hill...

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