Thursday, January 1, 2009

In the driver’s seat this time

I don’t know about you but when I am a passenger in a car I don’t really pay attention. I take in the scenery, listen to music, nap and although I know vaguely where we are going I miss more than I see. And for me, medical school is kind of like that ride. I lived with Dr. boyfriend during his first three years of medical of school so I have a vague idea of how much I will have to study and how it will likely be among the most amazing, difficult and rewarding periods in my life. And yet all of my experiences were as a passenger and now I’m about to be behind the wheel. In 13 days I leave for Grenada and classes begin January 19th. And while I am absolutely certain of where I want to end up, I just don’t know exactly how I’ll get there...yet I guarantee there will be a few detours and speed bumps along the way.

However, I also know that medical school is not done alone (or at least it would be lonely and boring that way, and I’ll never learn all that anatomy without a study group). And since its always more fun to caravan I’ve invited a few others to share their experiences. I hope we support from one another as we navigate our way through medical school. This is our blog… Buckle up, and enjoy the ride, I know I will.

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